- How States’ Low Income Housing Tax Credit Allocation Plans Can Help Increase Students’ Access to Integrated, Well-Resourced Schools (October 2024)
- How magnet schools might collaborate across housing and transportation agencies to enhance school diversity efforts (April 2024)
- Advocates’ Guide To Mandatory Implementation Of SAFMRS
- Advocates’ Guide To Voluntary Adoption Of Small Area FMRS (February 2024)
- Mandatory SAFMR regions, 2024
- What can the Treasury Department do to expand public and community ownership of rental housing? (December 2023)
- Survey of source of income caselaw involving insurance discrimination under the Fair Housing Act and state SOI laws (October 2023)
- Final report and recommendations from the 2023 source of income discrimination research convening (July 2023)
- Public Policies To Address Residential Segregation And Improve Health
- Connecting magnet schools and public housing redevelopment: January 2023 update
- Expanded protections for families with Housing Choice Vouchers (September 2022)
- Expanding Federal Support for Tenant Organizing in Federally Assisted Housing and the HCV Program (PRRAC & NHLP, February 2022)
- Genuine Engagement with Housing Choice Voucher Families (Mobility Works & PRRAC, July 2021)
- Combatting Source of Income Discrimination in Housing (Philip Tegeler, Antonia Fasanelli, May/June, 2021)
- The National Housing Trust Fund and Fair Housing: A Set of Policy Recommendations (PRRAC, April 2021)
- What Can HUD Do to Expand Public and Community Ownership of Rental Housing? (PRRAC, April 2021)
- Mixed Income Neighborhoods and Integrated Schools: Linking HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative with the Department of Education’s Magnet Schools Assistance Program (Philip Tegeler & Laura Gevarter, March 2021)
- Reviving and Improving HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Regulation: A Practice-Based Roadmap (Megan Haberle, Peter Kye, and Brian Knudsen, December 2020)
- Public or Community Control of Rental Housing Policy Brief No. 3: Community Land Trusts and Other Public Ownership Vehicles (PRRAC, October 2020)
- Public or Community Control of Rental Housing Policy Brief No. 2: Using Eminent Domain to Acquire Private Rental Housing – Recent Examples (PRRAC, October 2020)
- Public or Community Control of Rental Housing Policy Brief No. 1: Right of First Refusal – Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Acts (PRRAC, October 2020)
- State Support for Local School Construction: Leveraging Equity and Diversity (PRRAC, August 2020)
- Guidance for Successful Implementation of Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Choice-Mobility (PRRAC, August 2020)
- Housing Choice Voucher Reform: A Primer for 2021 and Beyond (Philip Tegeler, August 2020)
- Using CARES Act Flexibility to Address Systemic Educational Inequities & Bring Students Together (NCSD, August 2020)
- An Anti-Racist Agenda for State and Local Education Agencies (PRRAC, July 2020)
- An Anti-Racist Agenda for State and Local Housing Agencies (PRRAC, July 2020)
- Crafting a Strong and Effective Source of Income Discrimination Law (PRRAC, March 2020)
- The 2020 Democratic Candidates’ Positions on School Diversity & Related Educational Equity Issues (Philip Tegeler, Abi Hollinger, & Lily Milwit, November 2019)
- Equity Considerations in Climate Adaptation Plans: A Call for Advocacy (Peter Kye, October 2017)
- Assessment Criteria For “Concerted Community Revitalization Plans:” A Recommended Framework (March 2017)
- The National Housing Trust Fund: Promoting Fair Housing in State Allocation Plans (PRRAC, May 2016)
- The Need for a National Housing Mobility Infrastructure (March 2016)
- HUD’s New “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Regulation: An Introduction (November 2015)
- Linking Housing and School Integration Policy: What Federal State and Local Governments Can Do (NCSD-PRRAC, March 2015)
- Investing in Integration? A Fair Housing Review of the Multi-Billion Dollar Bank Settlements (PRRAC, March 2015)
- Moving to Healthier Neighborhoods: Options for Local Advocacy (Meghan Hottel, Philip Tegeler, and Megan Haberle, May 2014)
- PRRAC’s Analysis of NLIHC’s “Out of Reach 2013” Report (March 2013)
- Accessing Opportunity: Recommendations for Marketing and Tenant Selection in LIHTC and Other Housing Programs (Megan Haberle, Ebony Gayles, & Philip Tegeler, December 2012)
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and Secondary Mortgage Market Reform: Making the Connection (PRRAC, July 2011)
- The CERD Treaty and U.S. Civil Rights Law (June 2011)
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and Secondary Mortgage Market Reform: Making the Connection (June 2011)
- Two Simple Changes to Improve Health Outcomes In the Section 8 Voucher Program (April 2011)
- Innovation and the Federal Housing Budget: Notes for President Obama’s “Listening Tour” (March 2011)
- NCSD Issue Brief 1: Key Principles for ESEA Reauthorization (February 2011)
- Report to Congress: the “Moving to Work” Demonstration Fails to Increase Housing Choices for Low-Income Families (January 2011)
- Important Civil Rights Issues in H.R. 5814, the “Public Housing Reinvestment and Tenant Protection Act of 2010” (August 2010)
- The “Housing + Transportation Index” and Fair Housing (August 2010)
- Prescription for a New Neighborhood? Housing Vouchers as a Public Health Intervention (Kami Kruckenberg & Philip Tegeler, July 2010)
- NCSD Issue Brief 3: Recommendations for Choice Program Provisions in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (April 2010)
- Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing in HUD’s Affordable Housing Programs (December 2009)
- Reaffirming the Role of School Integration in K-12 Education Policy (NCSD, December 2009)
- A National Opportunity Voucher Program: A Bridge to Quality, Integrated Education for Low-Income Children (July 2009)
- Statement of Principles on the Reauthorization of the HOPE VI Public Housing Revitalization Program (March 2008)
- Civil Rights Statement on HOPE VI Reauthorization (January 2008)
- PRRAC and Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights SEVRA Letter and Attachment (October 2007)
- The Section 8 Program and Access to Opportunity: An Agenda for Policy Reform (March 2007)
- Civil Rights Implications of the 2005 Flexible Voucher Bill (April 2005)
- Protecting Housing Mobility in the Section 8 Program (February 2005)
- Civil Rights Mandates in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program (March 2004)
- Civil Rights Rollback Glossary (March 2004)
- Briefing Paper: Section 8 Portability (for NLIHC, 1995)