Fair Housing |
PRRAC’s fair housing work encompasses implementation of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing mandate, as well as research and advocacy to expand opportunity in federal housing programs at HUD, the Treasury Department, and state housing finance agencies. We also provide technical assistance to local housing agencies and advocates on AFFH, housing mobility, and local reform of the Housing Choice Voucher program. |
The LIHTC program, launched in 1987 and administered by the Treasury Department and state housing finance agencies, is the largest low-income housing production program in the country. Unlike HUD housing programs, LIHTC has operated with little or no civil rights regulatory oversight, and siting of projects in many states have reproduced patterns of segregation of low-income families of color in high-poverty neighborhoods. In other states, developments located in low poverty areas may not be reaching the families who need housing most. But thanks to growing recognition of the need for better balance, the 2015 ICP v. Texas case and other advocacy, and reforms within the state housing finance agency community, we are starting to see progress toward a more balanced and fair LIHTC system in a number of states.
Building Opportunity III: Affirmatively furthering fair housing in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program (October 2023) Link to the report description and links to appendices.
PRRAC Publications and Research Summaries
How States’ Low Income Housing Tax Credit Allocation Plans Can Help Increase Students’ Access to Integrated, Well-Resourced Schools (October 2024)
Social Housing Goals in State Housing Allocation Plans — A 50-State Survey (December 2023)
- What can the Treasury Department do to expand public and community ownership of rental housing? (December 2023)
- Building Opportunity III: Affirmatively furthering fair housing in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program (October 2023 Update)
- Housing and Educational Opportunity: Characteristics of Local Schools Near Families with Federal Housing Assistance (July 2018)
- Assessment Criteria For “Concerted Community Revitalization Plans”: A Recommended Framework (March 2017)
- Suggested changes to the draft LIHTC reform bill, to the United States Senate Committee on Finance (February 2017)
- Building Opportunity II: Civil Rights Best Practices in the LIHTC Program (2015 Update)
- Annotated bibliography on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (articles and reports from 2009-2014, updating annotated bibliography in our 2008 “Building Opportunity” report)
- “Continuation and Expansion of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit” (May 2013)
- Recommendations to LIHTC interagency working group (April 2013)
- Report: Creating Balance in the Locations of LIHTC Developments: The Role of Qualified Allocation Plans (February 2013)
- Accessing Opportunity: Affirmative Marketing and Tenant Selection in the LIHTC and Other Housing Programs (December 2012)
- Do Federally Assisted Households Have Access to High-Performing Public Schools? (November 2012)
- Opportunity and Location in Federally Subsidized Housing Programs: A New Look at HUD’s Site & Neighborhood Standard As Applied to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (October 2011)
- Building Opportunity: Civil Rights Best Practices in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (An Updated Fifty-State Review of LIHTC “Qualified Allocation Plans” ) (October 2008) (with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law)
- Are States Using the Low Income Tax Credit to Enable Families with Children to Live in Low Poverty and Racially Integrated Neighborhoods? A report by Jill Khadduri, Larry Buron, and Carissa Climaco, sponsored by PRRAC and the National Fair Housing Alliance (2007)
- “Percentage of family LIHTC units in low-poverty neighborhoods: ranking of all large metro areas”
- “Civil Rights Mandates in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program” (an advocate’s guide)(2004)
December 2016 policy announcements
In the final year of the Obama Administration, the Treasury Department, through the IRS, suggested that states should avoid exclusionary local contribution and approval requirements and incentives in their state plans, and in the process finally acknowledged that the LIHTC program is subject to the Fair Housing Act, like all other federal housing programs. Also in 2016, the IRS noted that states should include criteria defining the “concerted community revitalization plan” requirement for Qualified Allocation Plans, and the Treasury Department finally issued Title VI regulations, more than 50 years after the requirement was announced in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in the LIHTC Program: Recent Progress (powerpoint presentation at October 2017 Housing Justice Network Conference)
Revenue Ruling 2016-29 confirms that the LIHTC statute does not require local support or contribution in state LIHTC plans (the ruling also notes that LIHTC is subject to the Fair Housing Act and its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing obligation).
Notice 2016-77 indicates that the required preference for a “Concerted Community Revitalization Plan” in projects selected in higher poverty census tracts has to be an actual plan, and must include something more than just the LIHTC project itself.
Department of Treasury final Title VI regulation implements the 1964 Civil Rights Act at the Department but omits LIHTC from the list of covered Treasury programs. The final Title VI regulation leaves open the possibility that LIHTC might be added to the list at a later date, and also states that “the absence of a program or activity from the list does not by such absence limit the applicability of Title VI to that program or activity.”
Advocacy Letters
- Comments regarding the Capital Magnet Fund and AFFH (September 2023)
- Civil rights comments on NCSHA Recommended Practices for state LIHTC plans (August 2023)
- Social Housing Goals in the LIHTC Program (August 2023)
- LIHTC fair housing reforms 11-9-21
- NCSHA Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration (PRRAC, August 2017)
- Letter to IRS on Treasury Department Notice 2016-77, Re: the “Concerted Community Revitalization Plan” Requirement (PRRAC et al, February 2017)
- Fair Housing Comments on Capital Magnet Fund Interim Rule (PRRAC, LCCUL, & NFHA, May 2016)
- Follow-up to Civil Rights Guidance in the LIHTC Program (PRRAC et al, March 2016)
- Treasury Department Administrative Guidance on the LIHTC Program (PRRAC et al, November 2015)
- Proposed Treasury Department Title VI Rule (PRRAC et al, September 2015)
- Fair Housing Comments to Working Group on Community Development & Infrastructure, Responding to Treasury Department Proposal for LIHTC (PRRAC, LCCUL, & NFHA, April 2015)
- Draft Audit Technique Guide, IRC §42, LIHTC (PRRAC, March 2014)
- Continuation and Expansion of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (PRRAC et al, May 2013)
- Recommendations to LIHTC Interagency Working Group (PRRAC et al, April 2013)
- Urging Treasury Department to release Title VI regulations for LIHTC program (PRRAC et al, June 2012)
- Urging Treasury Department’s Release of Title VIII Guidance and Regulations for LIHTC program (PRRAC et al, May 2012)
- Civil Rights and “Compliance Harmonization” (PRRAC et al, August 2011)
- Treasury Dept. Regulations (PRRAC et al, October 2010)
- To IRS Re: Proposed Information Collection for its Regulation (NHLP, Oregon Law Center, & PRRAC, September 2010)
- Treasury Department Regulations (PRRAC et al, August 2010)
- Civil Rights Comments, Housing Tax Credit Coordination Act (PRRAC et al, June 2009)
- To Treasury Department Re: Capital Magnet Fund (PRRAC et al, May 2009)
- To HUD Secretary Donovan on LIHTC Requirements in the Stimulus Bill (PRRAC et al, March 2009)
- To IRS on Civil Rights Requirements in LIHTC Guidebook (PRRAC et al, March 2004)
Other Recent Research & Materials
- “Building a Better Affordable Housing Future” (BlueGreen Alliance Foundation, July 2023)
- Katie Whitley, “Increasing Access to High-Quality Schools in Indianapolis Through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan,” Indiana Law Review (2022)
- Kirk McClure, Anne Williamson, Hye-Sung Han, “The LIHTC Program, Racially/Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty, and High Opportunity Neighborhoods,” 6 Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 89 (December 2020).
- Spotlight on Underserved Markets: Opportunity Incentives in LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plans (Freddie Mac & National Housing Trust, 2020)
- Weiss, Brandon, Locating Affordable Housing: The Legal System’s Misallocation of Subsidized Housing Incentives (December 2, 2018). Hastings Law Journal, Vol. 70, 2018.
- Balancing Priorities: Preservation and Neighborhood Opportunity in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Beyond Year 30 (National Low Income Housing Coalition and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation, October 2018)
- Will Fischer, “Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Could Do More to Expand Opportunity for Poor Families” (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, August 28, 2018)
- “NCSHA Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration” (2018)
- Ingrid Gould Ellen, Keren Mertens Horn, and Yiwen Kuai, “Gateway to Opportunity? Disparities in Neighborhood Conditions Among Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Residents,” (Housing Policy Debate, March 2018)
- (Read the National Low Income Housing Coalition summary here)
- Shi, Samuels, and Pollack, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Optimizing Its Impact on Health (American Journal of Public Health, October 2017)
- Expert report of Dr. Ann Owens in ICP v. Dept of Treasury and OCC (August 2017)
- Michelle D. Layser, How Federal Tax Law Rewards Segregation (Indiana Law Journal, Forthcoming 2017)
- Government Accountability Office, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Actions Needed to Strengthen Oversight and Accountability (Testimony Before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, August 1, 2017)
- “Assessment of the New Jersey Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program” (New Jersey Future, May 2017)
- Data on Tenants in LIHTC Units as of December 31, 2014 (HUD, April 2017)
- “Opportunity, Race, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects: An Analysis of LIHTC Developments in the San Francisco Bay Area” (March 2017)
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: The Role of Syndicators (Government Accountability Office, February 2017)
- Fair Housing and Balanced Choices: Did Texas Reduce Government-Funded Segregation? An Analysis of 9% LIHTC Siting in Texas, 2006-2015 (Texas Low Income Housing Information Service, January 2017)
- “Housing a Nation: The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit” (Furman Center research summary, February 2017)
- Inclusive Communities Project v. Department of Treasury and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (October 2016)
- LOW-INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT: Some Agency Practices Raise Concerns and IRS Could Improve Noncompliance Reporting and Data Collection (Government Accountability Office, May 2016)
- Ingrid G. Ellen, Keren M. Horn, and Katherine M. O’Regan, “Poverty concentration and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit: Effects of siting and tenant composition,” Journal of Housing Economics, Volume 34, December 2016, Pages 49–59.
- “A Seat at the Table: Changing the Governing Structure of Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Administration to Reflect Civil Rights Values and Fair Housing” (Raquel Smith, Columbia Journal of Race and Law, 2016)
- LIHTC Awards in Ohio, 20016-2015: Where Are They Providing Housing for Families with Children? (Abt Associates, August 2016)
- News article about the Ohio study
- Data on Tenants in LIHTC Units as of December 31, 2013 (HUD, March 2016)
- Megan Randall, “Redefining Revitalization: An Analysis of Community Revitalization in Texas’ Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program,” (Texas Architecture, January 2016)
- Kirk McClure and Bonnie Johnson, “Housing Programs Fail to Deliver on Neighborhood Quality, Reexamined” (Housing Policy Debate, April 2015)
- Understanding Whom the LIHTC Program Serves: Tenants in LIHTC Units as of December 31, 2012, by Michael Hollar, (HUD, December 2014)
- “Effect of QAP Incentives on the Location of LIHTC Properties” (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, April 2015)
- “Reforming Subsidized Housing Policy in the Twin Cities to Cut Costs and Reduce Segregation” (Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity, January 2014)
- “Choice Constrained, Segregation Maintained: Using Federal Tax Credits to Provide Affordable Housing” (Fair Housing Justice Center, August 2013)
- Ann Owens and Rebecca Smith, “Producing affordable housing in higher-opportunity neighborhoods: Incentives in California’s LIHTC program,” Journal of Urban Affairs (2013)
- Exploring the Spatial Distribution of Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties, by Casey Dawkins (for HUD Office of Policy Development & Research, February 2011)
- 2009 UCLA Civil Rights Project report on LIHTC and school segregation in California
- “Survey Data Shows Small Share of LIHTC Units Receiving 2005 Allocations Were Intended to Serve Poor Households” By Joseph Guggenheim
- Petition for Rulemaking to the IRS, March 12, 2008 (Inclusive Communities Project)
- Seema Shah, “Having Low Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plans Take into Account the Quality of Schools at Proposed Family Housing Sites: A Partial Answer to the Residential Segregation Dilemma?” 39 Indiana Law Review 691 (2006) (Copyright 2006, the Trustees of Indiana University. Reprinted with permission from the Indiana Law Review)
- Diane Standaert, “The Absence of Minority Concentration Assessments in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit: An Empirical Data Case Study of Durham North Carolina,” Practicing Planner (Summer 2006) (Copyright 2006, Americal Planning Association. Reprinted with permission.)
- “Underwriting for Fair Housing” by Henry Korman, Summer, 2005
- “A Developer’s Approach to Organized Opposition: Utilizing the Fair Housing Act to Counteract NIMBY”, by Robert H. Voelker
- Myron Orfield, “Racial Integration and Community Revitalization: Applying The Fair Housing Act to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit,” Vanderbilt Law Review, November 2005 (8 Vand. L. Rev. 1747).
- Making the Best Use of Your LIHTC Dollars: A Planning Paper for State Policy Makers (Abt Associates, 2004)
- Florence Roisman, “Mandates Unsatisfied: The Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program and the Civil Rights Laws,” 52 Miami L. Rev. 1011 (1998).
LIHTC Advocacy in the States
Using LIHTC to Provide Housing Opportunities for Families with Children in Ohio: Progress Report (Abt Associates, 2018)
CT 2016 (Open Communities Alliance, June 2016)
Inclusive Communities Project v. U.S. Department of Treasury and Office of Comptroller of the Currency (N.D.Texas, Aug 2014)
Inclusive Communities Project v. Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs (N.D. Texas Filed March 2008)
- Decision in Texas LIHTC case (March 2012)
- Remedial Order and Opinion in Texas LIHTC case (August 2012)
- Dallas Morning News Article on Texas LIHTC Lawsuit, April 25, 2008
- Recent fair housing comments on State QAPs
- CA 2011 (Public Counsel)
- CT 2012 (CT Fair Housing Center)
– Appendix - CT 2011 (CT Fair Housing Center)
- CT 2010 (CT Fair Housing Center)
- CT 2001 (CT Civil Liberties Union Foundation)
- FL 2013 (Florida Legal Services)
- IL 2013 (Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance)
- IL 2005 (Lawyers Committee)
- LA 2006 (LA QAP Comments)
- MA 2016 (Mass Law Reform)
- MA 2014 (Disability Law Center)
- MA 2004 (Mass. Law Reform)
- MD 2017 – BRHC v. Maryland Voluntary Compliance Agreement
- MD 2017 – BRHC v. Maryland press release announcing settlement
- MD 2011: Baltimore Regional Housing Campaign v. State of Maryland (HUD complaint)
- MD 2010 (ACLU)
- MD 2010 (Baltimore Regional Housing Campaign)
- MD 2010 (Lawyers Committee)
- MD 2005 (Maryland Legal Aid)
- MO 2018 (Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing and Opportunity Council)
- MO 2015 (Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing and Opportunity Council, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, PRRAC)
- NC 2005 (Legal Aid of NC)
- NJ 2013 (Fair Share Housing Center)
- NJ 2002 (Fair Share Housing)
- NYS 2017 (Fair Housing Justice Center)
- NYC 2017 (Fair Housing Justice Center)
- OH 2016 (Legal Aid Society of SW Ohio)
- OH 2015 (Legal Aid Society of SW Ohio)
- TX 2012 (Texas Appleseen and Texas Low Income Housing Information Service)
- TX 2005 (E. Julian)
- TX 2005 (Lawyers Committee)
- TX 2005 (Robert Voelker)
- VA 2005 (HOME)
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