Annotated Agenda
On October 16-17, 2018, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC), MobilityWorks, and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted the 7th National Housing Mobility Conference. People from across the country, including public housing authority officials, researchers, and nonprofit leaders gathered to better understand how to further housing mobility and find new ways to collaborate on mobility efforts. The conference specifically recognized the pivotal moment in which we live; the housing mobility “movement” is growing and wielding greater influence: Some recent successes and notable occurrences, include bipartisan congressional support for the housing mobility demonstration bill, the growth of the MobilityWorks technical assistance group, and the release of the Opportunity Atlas from Raj Chetty and colleagues, further demonstrating the economic mobility potential of housing mobility.
Day 1
Welcoming Remarks

PANEL 1: The Promise of Effective Housing Mobility Programs
- Brief overview of rental assistance programs and housing mobility (Alison Bell, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)
- Moderated by Andrea Juracek, Housing Choice Partners.
- Panelists from Dallas, Chicago and Baltimore share the components of what makes a full housing mobility program work:
- Shamira Lawrence, Inclusive Communities Project
- Catherine Johnson, Housing Choice Partners
- Sheila Proano, Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership
Link to Panel 1 Powerpoint presentation…
PANEL 2: Research Update–New Insights into Housing Mobility Implementation and Outcomes
- Moderated by Deb Gross, CLPHA
- Source of Income discrimination: findings from the HUD study (Martha Galvez, Urban Institute)
- “Tempting the Opportunity Landlord”
- Eva Rosen, Georgetown University
- Philip Garboden, the University of Hawai’i at Manoa
- Jennifer Cossyleon, John Hopkins University
- Health research overview; housing mobility and asthma (Craig Pollack, Johns Hopkins University)
Link to Panel 2 PowerPoint presentation…
PANEL 3: Resident Perspectives on Housing Mobility
- Moderated by Andrea Juracek, Housing Choice Partners; and Sheila Proano, Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership.
- Panelists:
- Taneeka Richardson
- Jackie Howell
PANEL 4: Funding Housing Mobility
- Moderated by Barbara Sard, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
- A conversation with congressional staff
- Clinton Jones, Chief Housing and Insurance Counsel, House Financial Services Committee (Majority)
- Jennifer Shapiro, Chief of Staff, Office of Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, (D-MO 05)
- Karolina Arias, Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
- A conversation with foundations and grantees
- Foundation perspectives on housing mobility (Fred Karnas, Kresge Foundation)
- Approaching local foundations (Brenda Hicks, HOME VA)
Link to Panel 4 PowerPoint presentation…
PANEL 5: Choice-Mobility in the Rental Assistance Demonstration
- Moderated by Megan Haberle, PRRAC.
- PRRAC findings on early choice-mobility implementation (Brian Knudsen, PRRAC)
- Implementation of choice-mobility in Cook County (Sheryl Seiling, Housing Authority of Cook County)
- Perspectives from the HUD RAD office (Tom Davis, HUD Office of Recapitalization)
Link to Panel 5 PowerPoint presentation…
Reception and Award Ceremony
Alexander Polikoff, “Father of Mobility,” lead counsel on Hill v. Gautreaux (1976), honored for his contributions to housing mobility.
Day 2
PANEL 1: Forming Regional Partnerships to Promote Mobility
- Moderated by Greg Russ, Minneapolis Public Housing Authority.
- Louis and St. Louis County (Susan Rollins, Housing Authority of St. Louis County)
- Milwaukee’s proposed 3-agency mobility program
- Ken Barbeau, Milwaukee Housing Authority
- Kori Schneider Peragine, Milwaukee Fair Housing Council
- Seattle-King County partnership and the CMTO project (Andrew Lofton, Seattle Housing Authority)
Link to Panel 1 PowerPoint presentation…
PANEL 2: Promising Mobility Strategies
- Moderated by Demetria McCain, ICP/Inclusive Communities Development Corporation.
- Landlord recruitment strategies
- Dinsiri Fikru and Eva Trimble, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
- Stefanie DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University
- Recruiting families into the program (Janie Oliphant, Ascend STL)
- Addressing barriers to family success
- Brendan Goodwin, Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
- Alexandra Curley, the American City Coalition
Link to Panel 2 PowerPoint presentation…
PANEL 3: Small Area FMRs and Alternative Payment Standards – Maximizing Mobility Success Rates
- Moderated by Philip Tegeler, PRRAC.
- Overview of national SAFMR implementation
- Rob Silverman, SUNY Buffalo
- Deborah Thrope, NHLP
- Voluntary adoption of SAFMRs through alternative payment standards
- Sarah Oppenheimer, King County Housing Authority
- Steven Field, Chicago Housing Authority
Link to Panel 3 PowerPoint presentation…
PANEL 4: Master Lease Programs and Other Project-Based Mobility Approaches
- Moderated by Robin Snyderman, Brick Partners.
- The Houston Master Lease Program
- Tory Gunsolley, Houston Housing Authority
- Isabel Lopez, NestQuest
- The Dallas Sublease Initiative (Demetria McCain, ICP/Inclusive Communities Development Corporation)
- National Housing Trust’s HOPE acquisition program (Priya Jayachandran, National Housing Trust)
Link to Panel 4 PowerPoint presentation…
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