- Letter re HUD guidance on Source of Income Discrimination (October 3, 2023)
- Some states protect Section 8 renters, but enforcement is elusive
- Section 8 Tenants Are Using New Laws To Fight Housing Bias
- PRRAC comments on proposed methodology for calculation of Fair Market Rents (July 2023)
- Final report and recommendations from the 2023 source of income discrimination research convening (July 2023)
- Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee urging members to support flexibility in the use of Section 8 voucher funds (7/13/23)
- Letter Urging SEMAP and SAFMR Expansion (May, 2023)
- Rescreening and Portability letter 5-1-23
- PRRAC recommendations on SEMAP reform January 2023
- Flexibility in the use of Housing Choice Voucher funds to increase utilization of vouchers and expand access to opportunity (June 2022)
- Concerning Enhanced Vouchers and Fair Housing (PRRAC et al, April 2022)
- Supporting Biden Administration’s Funding Level Requests for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (PRRAC et al, August 2021)
- HOTMA Proposed Regs Payment Standards (PRRAC et al, January 2020)
- Housing Choice Voucher Reform: A Primer for 2021 and Beyond (Philip Tegeler, August 2020)
- OCA v. Carson and Small-Area Fair Market Rents Materials (2017-2018)
- On Proposed Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Fee Rule (PRRAC & CBPP, October 2016)
- Proposed Small Area Fair Market Rent Rule (PRRAC et al, August 2016)
- Comment Letter: On the Small Area FMR Proposal (Inclusive Communities Partners, August 2016)
- Comment Letter: On Proposed Small Area Fair Market Rent Rule (Enhanced Section 8 Outreach Program, August 2016)
- On Inadequate Payment Standards in Yonkers Housing Mobility Program (PRRAC, April 2016)
- To House Subcommittee Supporting Housing Mobility Demonstration in the President’s 2017 Budget (PRRAC et al, April 2016)
- To Senate Subcommittee Supporting Housing Mobility Demonstration in the President’s 2017 Budget (April 2016)
- Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Fee Reform (PRRAC & CBPP, August 2015)
- On Small Area FMR Expansion Proposal (PRRAC et al, July 2015)
- Section 8 Renewal Funding Formula (PRRAC et al, June 2015)
- Constraining Choice: The Role of Online Apartment Listing Services in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Ebony Gayles & Silva Mathema, July 2015)
- Proposed PHA Streamlining Regulations Restricting Section 8 Lease Dates (PRRAC et al, March 2015)
- PHA Consortia rule (PRRAC et al, September 2014)
- Expanding Choice: Practical Strategies for Building a Successful Housing Mobility Program (Urban Institute-PRRAC, May 2013)
- Second-Term Rulemaking Priorities (PRRAC et al, February 2013)
- Proposed HUD Rule Streamlining Section 8 Portability (PRRAC et al, May 2012)
- Racial Impacts of 2012 Housing Bill (PRRAC et al, January 2012)
- Delayed HUD regulations (PRRAC et al, September 2011)