- Opposing Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017 (PRRAC et al, May 2017)
- Interim Guidance Implementing Section 2 of the Executive Order of January 30, 2017, Titled “Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs (PRRAC et al, February 2017)
- The National Housing Trust Fund: Promoting Fair Housing in State Allocation Plans (PRRAC, May 2016)
- EPA-HUD AFFH Coordination (Title VI Alliance, March 2016)
- HUD’s Responsibility to Residents of Flint, Michigan (PRRAC & LCCUL, March 2016)
- Shriver Center/Loyola Petition for Rulemaking on Lead-Based Paint Protocols (PRRAC et al, February 2016)
- Revision of Public Housing Agency Plans to Conform to AFFH (PRRAC et al, January 2016)
- Proposed Changes to HUD Multifamily Occupancy Handbook 4350.3 (PRRAC et al, June 2014)
- Continued Funding for Project-Based Vouchers (PRRAC et al, June 2013)
- Stalled Regulations at HUD (PRRAC et al, May 2012)
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in the Disposition of REO Properties (PRRAC et al, September 2011)
- Proposed Housing Trust Fund Regulations(PRRAC et al, December 2010)