“50 years of tenant-based rental assistance”: We were pleased to be a part of this special issue of HUD’s social science journal Cityscape, which takes an in-depth look at multiple aspects of the Housing Choice Voucher program, HUD’s largest housing program. We especially recommend our entry, “Section 8 in the Courts: How Civil Rights Litigation Helped to Shape the Housing … [Read more...] about PRRAC Update (July 25, 2024): Section 8 in the courts
PRRAC Update
PRRAC Update (July 11, 2024): Housing mobility planning grants; Black teachers after Brown; and PRRAC news!
Future housing mobility programs: HUD just released housing mobility planning grants to 25 PHAs, modeled on the services provided in the Community Choice Demonstration. In several of the regions in this grant announcement, families with Housing Choice Vouchers are dramatically concentrated in high poverty neighborhoods, giving some urgency to these planning grants, and … [Read more...] about PRRAC Update (July 11, 2024): Housing mobility planning grants; Black teachers after Brown; and PRRAC news!
PRRAC Update (June 20, 2024): fairer tenant screening; source of income discrimination updates
Fairer screening rules for HUD-assisted housing: We submitted comments in support of HUD’s proposed rule to eliminate discriminatory uses of criminal records in screening tenants for admission to HUD-funded housing. Our comments included strong support for the elimination of the long-standing (and illegal) practice of re-screening voucher tenants who move from one public … [Read more...] about PRRAC Update (June 20, 2024): fairer tenant screening; source of income discrimination updates
PRRAC Update (June 6, 2024): Appropriations season
Appropriations season: Although there is always the possibility of delay, we are optimistic that Congress will eventually adopt a 2025 budget, and we are renewing our advocacy to support housing mobility funding and flexibility in the use of Housing Choice Voucher funds to facilitate moves to low poverty areas (see our coalition letter here). We also supported NCSD’s letter, on … [Read more...] about PRRAC Update (June 6, 2024): Appropriations season
PRRAC Update (May 17, 2024): May 17, 1954
Looking to the future of the school integration movement: We participated in a months-long community of practice led by Brown’s Promise, NCSD, and the Education Law Center, to develop a statement of values and policies to help define the future course of school integration research, policy, and practice – and to help bring together the interdependent yet often disconnected … [Read more...] about PRRAC Update (May 17, 2024): May 17, 1954