By Robert A. Hahn (Click here to view the entire P&R issue) Introduction. Segregation as a Fundamental Public Health Issue There is a great and urgent need for public health practitioners to better understand the association of racial and ethnic segregation with ill-health and to collaborate with other agencies to address the underlying causes. This essay … [Read more...] about “Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation as a Root Social Determinant of Public Health and Health Inequity: A Persistent Public Health Challenge in the United States” by Robert A. Hahn (April-June 2017 P&R Issue)
Browse Environmental Justice at PRRAC
PRRAC works to develop and support environmental justice advocacy, with a focus on strong national and local partnership strategies. Harmful and inequitable environmental hazard siting, enforcement disparities, and other EJ issues have often been closely connected to residential segregation and concentrated poverty, as well as racial bias and disparities in access to power structures. Our work to improve these conditions is an important complement to other strategies that serve as immediate interventions to improve health (in particular that of young children), such as voucher mobility and strong standards for where subsidized housing is sited.
For more, please visit our full Environmental Justice, Health & Transportation Library.
DOT Proposed Rule on Statewide Metropolitan Transportation Planning (PRRAC, October 2014)
Link to pdf fileOctober 2, 2014 U.S. Department of Transportation Docket Operations M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20590 RE: Docket No. FHWA-2013 – 0037; FHWA RIN 2125 – AF52; FTA RIN 2132– AB10, Proposed Rule on Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning and Metropolitan Transportation Planning To … [Read more...] about DOT Proposed Rule on Statewide Metropolitan Transportation Planning (PRRAC, October 2014)
“Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Los Angeles Celebrates Anniversaries of the Civil Rights Movement” by Robert Garcia (July-August 2014 P&R Issue)
By Robert Garcia (Click here to view the entire P&R issue) “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk,if you can’t walk then crawl,but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Communities in Los Angeles are celebrating the civil rights revolution with public art and green space: A new parks project, called “Walk a … [Read more...] about “Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Los Angeles Celebrates Anniversaries of the Civil Rights Movement” by Robert Garcia (July-August 2014 P&R Issue)
“Mossville, Louisiana: A Community’s Fight for the Human Right to a Healthy Environment” by Michelle Roberts (May-June 2011 P&R issue)
By Michelle Roberts (Click here to view the entire P&R issue) Mossville is not located on most U.S. maps. Yet some of America's largest industrial corporations have found this unincorporated African-American community and exploit its natural resources and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Near Mossville, homes, churches and playgrounds, there are 14 industrial … [Read more...] about “Mossville, Louisiana: A Community’s Fight for the Human Right to a Healthy Environment” by Michelle Roberts (May-June 2011 P&R issue)
Prescription for a New Neighborhood? Housing Vouchers as a Public Health Intervention (Kami Kruckenberg & Philip Tegeler, July 2010)
PRRAC Policy Brief (July 2010). By Kami Kruckenberg and Philip Tegeler. Excerpt: "The next opportunity for a demonstration health mobility proposal would be in HUD’s 2012 budget, which will be developed starting in the fall and winter of 2010. PRRAC is now reaching out to colleagues in the public health field to help develop this concept into a mature legislative … [Read more...] about Prescription for a New Neighborhood? Housing Vouchers as a Public Health Intervention (Kami Kruckenberg & Philip Tegeler, July 2010)